Here are a few more pictures of our kids. Ever Joy is our singer/songwriter. Pav has shown her how to strum her guitar and she likes to make up songs. She is a bit of a crooner! Pav believes she has potential.Pav and Mini-me.
Sawyer is eight months old today. He is sitting in a highchair now, and loves to eat his meals with us. He still isn't crawling. Instead he has learned to scoot. He isn't very fast yet, but he is determined to go places. Sawyer is our happy little guy, full of giggles and smiles.
Ever Joy is two and a half now. She got her hair cut last week and calls it her "sassy bob".
Well, besides the kids growing up too fast. Pav is still working with his friend Josh. They are working on the kitchen cabinets. They are building them out of poplar, which is a light wood with streaks of green and purple in it. They look great!
I was sick all last week with the flu, which was miserable and hard with trying to take care of the kids. Pav was a big help, and even took Ever to work with him a couple of times.
I've also started selling stuff of ebay. I thought I would put a few of the kids old clothes on and see what happened. So far i've made forty bucks. It's kind of addictive. I told Pav if he treasures anything in our home he better glue it down.
man, ever is gettin' so big!
i think it still seems unreal to me that you're a mom because i've never actually seen her. if that makes any sense....
are you still planning on a big family?
much love
Ever's dress looks sort of "Little House on the Prairie"...too cute! :) I can't wait to see how they have grown!
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